Why does my CW7000 BOD system have a EU plug?

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Why does my CW7000 BOD system have a EU plug?
[caption id="attachment_521" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Camlab Water CW7000 BOD system"]Camlab Water CW7000 BOD system[/caption] The CW7000 manometric Biochemical Oxygen Analyser (BOD) comes with a couple of key parts, the main analysis module is actually battery powered but it uses an inductive stirring system to stir upo to six bottles fitted at any one time. This stirrer requires mains power to function, also BOD tests should be done at a constant temperature. To achieve this temperature stability an incubator is required, special BOD incubators are supplied which have internal 230Vac power supplies to allow the running of the BOD stirrers inside the incubator. with the size of the UK market significant savings are achieved by using tyhe same system around europe hence the BOD incubators are supplied with EU plugs inside and the BOD stirring system is the same. We recommend using the CW7000 with the ET-914 thermo cabinet for best results [caption id="attachment_522" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Camlab Water BOD setup installed"]Camlab Water BOD setup installed[/caption]
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