Posts tagged 'Scales'

Adam Balance
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How can I use Adam DU software to export my weighing results to a PC from an Adam balance?

The Adam DU software allows you to connect up to 8 of their balances or scales to a PC. From here you can view and manage collected data from each balance. The software also allows you to graphically present data and perform basic statistical analyses, and also export to other programmes such as Microsoft Excel or Statistical Analyses software packages to perform more complex data analysis. ...
Readability and accuracy of a balance
254 view(s)

What is the difference between the readability and accuracy of a balance?

There are many options out there when it comes to laboratory balances. Other than the maximum capacity, one of the main differences you may have seen between balances is their readability. The term readability is often used interchangeably with terms like repeatability (precision) and accuracy. However, they each have different definitions that are important when trying to understand the differ...
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