Posts tagged 'salt'

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Question: How can I measure the salinity of Brine?

Answer: a Brinometer! Brine is simply defined as a solution of salt in water. It has a wide variety of uses from the transport of thermal energy, de-icing the roads or in cooking to preserve meat or vegetables. The low levels of salinity commonly found in food or seawater can be tested in a number of ways such as on the Laqua Twin sodium meter , Laqua Twin salt meter or for a multi-pa...

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How can I measure Salt in food?

Sodium is a mineral required by the body for normal functions, but excessive intake can cause high blood pressure and hypertension. This has lead governments and regulatory bodies to focus on monitoring the levels of salt in foods in order to reduce the risk of these health affects. Canned foods are of particular concern as these often contain relatively high levels of salt. The Horiba La...

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Measuring the salinity of seawater

Seawater has an average salinity of 35 ppt = 35 parts per thousand (equivalent to 35,000ppm or 3.5%). However the salt level does change depending on rainfall, evaporation, ice thawing or rivers, so the salinity can vary over areas, time or seasons. Camlab can offer two handheld meters which quickly and directly measure salinity up to the high levels required for seawater. [caption id=...

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Measuring pH and Salt in Food Manufacturing

The Horiba LAQUA twin meters are best suited to a range of different sample types:   1) Immersion When in the lab you can test an a beaker. Ensure the sensor guard is open. 2) Scoop Use as a scoop to test water for example from a river 3) Drops LAQUA Twin meters can measure sample volumes as low as 0.05ml. Place a drop of the sample onto the sensor with a pipette. ...
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What's the difference between a Hydrometer and a Brineometer?

A hydrometer is an instrument that is made of glass and consists of a cylindrical stem and a bulb weighted with mercury or lead to make it float upright. It is used to measure the Specific Gravity (SG) of liquids. In other words the ratio of density of the liquid to the density of water.The SG of water is 1.000 at 4°C. For example the lower the density of a substance the farther the h...

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